Sterling Models 1/108 U.S. Revenue Cutter Alexander Hamilton

Beginning August 1,2019 and ending who knows when....All things floaty sailing under the American flag.
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Re: Sterling Models 1/108 U.S. Revenue Cutter Alexander Hami

Post by Stikpusher »

Good for you Mark! As long as you’re not losing weight due to illness, you’re doing fine. All the day job stuff does pay the bills and finance this addiction of ours... :hmm: Have fun at the Nats!
"Surely I have made my meaning plain? I intend to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I have deprived your ship of power, and when I swing 'round, I intend to deprive you of your life."

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Re: Sterling Models 1/108 U.S. Revenue Cutter Alexander Hami

Post by speedgraflex »

Congratulations on your weight loss, Mark, and thank you so much for your visit! All the best!
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Duke Maddog
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Re: Sterling Models 1/108 U.S. Revenue Cutter Alexander Hami

Post by Duke Maddog »

Thanks Carlos! Yeah, Ive been trying to change my eating habits and keep more active to drop all this. I am thrilled at being below 245 for the first time in over a decade! :yahoo: And all these great jobs have helped finance this trip, so I plan on making the most of it! I'll try to remember as much as I can about the Nats to give a full report afterward.

Thanks Bruce! I'm always thrilled to visit your posts. Hopefully someday soon we can visit in person so I can give you a certain Hellcat before it disappears among my other 1520+ models! :giggles: :lashed:
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with 'till you understand who's in ruttin' command!"
-Jayne Cobb, Firefly Episode 2 "The Train Job"

We are modelers - the same in spirit, in hunger to insanely buy newly released kits, hustlers in hiding our stash from our better halves and experts in using garbage as replacements for after-market parts.
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