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Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:50 pm
by Stikpusher
Excellent! I am looking forward to both completions.

Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:17 am
by Stuart
First finsh - Matchbox's H.S/Bae Hawk T.1A.

Not a bad kit this - it's one of my favourite kits from when I was a child. It's not too bad accuracy wise, it certinaly looks like a Hawk. If I was going to build another one (which I will), it only really needs extra panel lines in places and some strakes and wing fences added to bring it up to modern standards - and maybe a bit of work in the cockpit - but that's nothing new with old kits :bag:

I'm trying to work on my photography. This is about the best light/flash set up I managed today - annoyingly however, although I had the lens set to F/22 and on a tripod - I had the wrong focus point. Something to learn in the future. I'd certainly appriciate some feedback on the pictures as it's something I'm trying to improve on.





Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:27 pm
by Duke Maddog
Looking fantastic Stuart and congrats on finishing one! Way to go!

There is a bit of pink in that pic, maybe balancing it with a bit of blue will neutralize the pinkish hue.

Keep them coming Stuart! You've got these on the run!

Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:38 pm
by Stuart
Duke Maddog wrote:Looking fantastic Stuart and congrats on finishing one! Way to go!

There is a bit of pink in that pic, maybe balancing it with a bit of blue will neutralize the pinkish hue.

Keep them coming Stuart! You've got these on the run!
Thanks Duke!

Yeah that pink is a little odd - It didn't show up on my laptop but did on my phone. I did set a custom WB, but next time I think I'll shoot them in RAW and alter the white balance manually.



Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:04 pm
by Stuart
Hi Gents,

Sorry I've been quiet for a few months. I've been suffering with stress quite badly and I've not been up to much building of late. I'm not sure what to do to carry on with this build, as I'm afraid to say the Corsair came off quite badly a month or so ago - it lost an argument with a hammer. sufficed to say I felt mildly better afterwards so I guess it served it's purpose. And with it's demise went the last of my SOD builds. So if it's alright with the management I might have to do a mix of stash and new kits for the rest of my builds (at least I've finished one :grin: )

So first up will be my new 1/48th Hobbyboss SAAB J-29A Tunnan...


I've already started it and I'll post up some pictures tomorrow.

Other builds in the line up are (from my stash) a Monogram 1/48 F-106A and an Airfix 1/48 Supermarine Spitfire mk.Va. I'll also be building a Revell 1/48 F-86 Sabre Dog (also new to the stash).

The Spitfire is already started...

(did it last week whilst wastching 'Reach for the Sky').




Not my best work, but this a cross over kit from the old Airfix and the Hornby era - so it's a bit of a mixed bag.

Thanks for looking,


Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:59 pm
by Stuart
Excuse the poor pictures, but I just wanted to post up some progress.

Whilst watching 'first of the few' the other day, I got the remaining gubbins fitted to the undersides, along with the flaps. Although you don't see too many Spitfires with their flaps down on the ground, I thought that as I had the pilot in this one, I'd put them down for a bit of visual interest.



I've also painted up all of the U/C etc. and just need to assemble it all. All the painting was done with a no'4 Hairy stick and Humbrol Acrylics. For some reason the brown has gone really grainy and wil need rubbing down.
I need to look into using some different paints as the Humbrol Acrylics are a real mixed bag when it comes to quality. I've tried some Hataka paints with seem to be ok, and I've got some Tamiya on order. I hear if thinned correctly and used with a bit of retarder, they brush paint quite nicely.

Anyway - it's nice to be building something in 1/48. I've also almost finished the Tunnan cockpit and have started the cockpit on the F-106A.



Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:41 pm
by BorgR3mc0
Nice work Stuart! I have build the even older Airfix mkV spit. One of my earliest airbrushed builds. I did enjoy it very much. Hope this newer one builds just as nice.


Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:28 pm
by Stuart
BorgR3mc0 wrote:Nice work Stuart! I have build the even older Airfix mkV spit. One of my earliest airbrushed builds. I did enjoy it very much. Hope this newer one builds just as nice.

Thanks Borg - that's a very nice Spitfire indeed.

Actually I think you'll find that this is essentially the same kit - most of it predates the Humbrol take over of Airfix. The kit is a really mish-mash of sprues and is made up of their mk.V and mk.I kit plus others. there is a mass of spare parts in it including 3 different props, bubble canopies - all sorts really.

Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:44 pm
by BlackSheep214
I like it! Well done!

Re: Stuart's GAABSA Build's.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:26 pm
by speedgraflex

Re the pink cast to the photos above, have you ever used the tools available through Visual Supply Co? They make a crackin' good - absolutely free - mobile version of camera and editing tools for the phone which I use all the time. What I did was take the pink shots and apply an Analogue filter. Result:
