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Re: IPMS Blizzcon Columbus Ohio

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 8:48 pm
by speedgraflex

Excellent. Thank you for the link!

Re: IPMS Blizzcon Columbus Ohio

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:34 pm
by Duke Maddog
Stikpusher wrote:Not unless I can hop a ride on a SR-71... :giggles:

I would love to visit the area sometime though. I’ve never been there.

Carlos, Columbus is well worth going to. It is beautiful there, especially in the summer time. It's deep green everywhere! In the fall, you can see the multi-colored leaves in the trees and they have some of the sweetest corn right out of the fields. My brother lives there so we've seen it a lot. He says that during the corn festival, they have all the corn on the cob stored in barrels filled with melted butter. When you order one from one of the booths, they pull it out with tongs and give it to you on a tray... still dripping!

I've attended one of the IPMS Eddie Rickenbacker club meetings before; they are a great bunch of guys!

I've also been to the Dayton Air Force museum a few times. What fun! I still haven't even seen it all yet either. Dayton is about an hour's drive from Columbus. Here's some perspective for you too: My brother thinks it's an awful long drive to got to see it. I however, feel it is right next door and driving an hour is nothing! LOL!

Anyway, I hope that plentiful pictures will be posted of the contest once it's done.