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Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 6:32 am
by SteveSki
The DEW Effect

This diorama has been completed and is on the photo bench, so now I will explain how my freak discovery occurred. As mentioned before, I inadvertently mixed a few chemicals that reacted unexpectedly and came up with this DEW effect. Again, I say, completely by accident. However, the results appear to be acceptable and this may turn out to be a decent effect, but there should be some refining of the process.

How did I do it? The three ingredients in the photo below are all that is needed to experiment with this process further. Items needed: Rust-Oleum Matt Clear, 90% Isopropyl Alcohol, Heki grass. I also used a small spritzer bottle and an old hair dryer.


After the Heki grass is secured to the base/test board, spray the grass using Rust-Oleum Matt Clear with a “light coat.” Let that set over night. The next day, using a spritzer filled with 90% Isopropyl Alcohol, spray the grass again and immediately start drying the area with an old hair dryer on low temp. You will begin to see a white DEW-like effect start to appear on the Heki grass.

Remember, Rust-Oleum is a heavy spray right from the can, but Dull Coat is more of a mist and should be more suitable for smaller scale effects. Be aware that the heavier you spray the Matt Clear the more out of proportion the effect will appear, so you’ll need to be measured in your applications to avoid a heavy overdone appearance. Play with this technique to see how this will work for you.

Lastly, I simply do not have enough Heki grass to make a full investigation into whether this will produce consistent results every time, but you can try this for yourself and let me know how it works.

That’s a wrap! Final pics coming soon and thanks for watchin. Cheers, Ski.