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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 10:42 am
by speedgraflex
Duke! Duke! Duke! Congratulations on 29 years together belatedly, sincerely, respectfully, and in awe. Way to go. That’s wonderful. Fingers and toes crossed about getting back to work-work for you. The pandemic is going to be around awhile longer. Our country needs to adapt and evolve with the rest of the world now more then ever. Remember Timothy Leary calling the Earth “Spaceship Earth?” Our home, our humanity. Our responsibility. ‘Nuff said! Keep doing what you do, buddy. All the best.

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 1:19 pm
by Stikpusher
Duke Maddog wrote:Stay tuned, more to come.
Of that I have no doubt... :lol:

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:00 pm
by BlackSheep214
Just got caught up on this one. You've been busy, Mark. Let's see more!

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:43 pm
by Duke Maddog
Thank you Bruce! Your words are most heartwarming.

Thanks Carlos, I try not to disappoint...

Thanks Blacksheep! I appreciate you stopping in. Don't worry, more is coming.

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:44 pm
by Duke Maddog
Greetings all, here's another small update due to life happening; or else I might have gotten more done. This time I'll start with my armor since I barely got anything done on armor.

Basically all I did was to mask the windows for the three tank transporters. First the Japanese Type 87:


Then the HEMMTT cab:


...and finally the M-1070 cab:


Later on I gloss coated the German Cabriolet car and painted the chrome on it, along with painting the roof:


After all that, I went to work on my two rockets since they were so close to being done. Here they are all mocked up:


The first thing I did was to apply the decals to the Atlas rocket; as you saw above. Here it is showing three sides when I had finished the decals:




After that it was only a matter of adding a few more external plumbing parts to this and it was done. Meanwhile the Redstone had a bit more to be done.

First off, there were some highly noticeable blemishes in the white coat of the main rocket body that were really annoying me. I tried to ignore them because I knew any fix was going to ruin the smooth finish I'd already achieved. I just couldn't let it go. So, I pulled out a post-it notepad and my Tamiya Tape and masked off the offending area. I then shot some more white; adding several coats to try and cover the blemishes. It was amazing how they kept popping out from under the white. Finally, I got it covered enough for my satisfaction:


I was right, there was a noticeable square that I could not eliminate; especially that close to the decal. So I have to live with it:


Oh well. At least I found the decals for the capsule and promptly added them to it:


A few more detailed parts to add and that one was done.

Finally, it was time to work on my large aircraft again. The first one I worked on was the Russian An-124. I finally got the fourth engine finished:


After that, it was time to work on the landing gear. I started with the forward landing gear wheels. I needed to make four of them and they had to have the hubs added to the middle of the wheel halves, just like the main landing gear wheels. That made them impossible to close properly without some serious sanding and shaping and squeezing:


I had four of those to do. Then I assembled the first forward landing strut, adding the wheels to it:


I'm supposed to make two of those but of course, the second strut is missing......

So, I moved on and finished off one side of the main landing gear bay; completing all the main landing gear struts:


After that I halfway finished the twenty wheels that go on those struts; adding all the hubs to the wheel halves. Next I need to put each wheel half together. Later....

Each main landing gear strut has eleven parts in it. I still have to do the other side. Once that is done and I paint these (along with finding and finishing the second forward landing gear); I'll be done with all the incidentals and can finally work on building the whole plane; adding the wings and tail to the fuselage. Man that is gonna be one difficult beastie to paint!

So, I put that aside and went to do something easier. Only it wasn't so easy. After two hours or so of fighting the fuselage halves to the A-400 Grizzly; I finally managed to get the whole fuselage to fit right:


The clear part is only dry fit to see how well it fits. Wow, it fits like a glove! Beautiful!

Next, since this was all glued together, I tried test fitting the wings and tail to see what fit issues I was going to have to deal with:


Yeah, that big beast barely fits on my workbench!

The third big aircraft I pulled out was my C-54. All I did with that was to add two extra windows to one fuselage half that I apparently forgot; then cemented the cockpit to the interior fuselage assembly and then added nose weights to the forward part of this whole assembly:


The next step will be to close this up inside the fuselage and move on.

Okay, that's it for this update. Thanks to all who stop in and comment, I appreciate everyone and everything. Stay tuned for more progress updates in the next couple weeks.

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:23 am
by Floki
Got a lot of progress made. I really like the rockets the decal really went on the capsule nicely.

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:39 am
by LyleW
Mark, I am in awe of your work. The masking looks great and very crisp. Decals on the capsule are spot on and that AN-24..As the Swedish Chef would say, "Yumpin Yimminie! Bork, Bork!" Man, that is a big one. With that many part in the gear I do admire your skills in that.

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:04 am
by Medicman71
Man those are cool! Loving the big planes!

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:06 pm
by Stikpusher
You’re chugging along great Mark! I’m liking those big transports too.... and of course the rockets!

Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:14 pm
by Duke Maddog
Thanks for the fantastic replies guys!

Floki, I agree; I'm actually surprised at how much progress I made so far. Thanks for the compliments on the decals.

Lyle, thank you. I am always inspired and motivated by your persistence and tireless efforts to get your models finished and so that keeps me going on all these difficult models. Yeah, the An-124 is a huge one; I need to make arrangements to build that in another location when the time comes, where I can spread out and do it right. Hopefully things start opening up so we can have Hobby Day again.

Thanks Medic! I need to get those big ones done so I can clear the space where their big boxes are.

Thanks Carlos! I love all these too. Now if I can only finish these well! At least the rockets are all done, thank God!

Thanks again for the great compliments and comments guys!