Pretty Water lake, Sapulpa, Ok

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Re: Pretty Water lake, Sapulpa, Ok

Post by LyleW »

portman wrote:Nih..conn... Is that a Chinese Camera? :whistle:
That is what most Can('t)on users think! :bag: Sort of like the Ford/Chevy debates.
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Re: Pretty Water lake, Sapulpa, Ok

Post by Stuart »

Can'ton!!! :rofl: I love that!
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Re: Pretty Water lake, Sapulpa, Ok

Post by Paul »

portman wrote:Hi Paul,

Thanks so much for sharing these (and I especially love anything to do with photography anyway). I think you have some cracking shots there, there's a couple I really like, and you did a fine job of getting the exposure right on that sunset - the sky is stunning.

As it was a composition learning exercise, I could offer one or two suggestions if you wanted them, but if not - cracking good work. Like Bruce said though, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts about it, and I'd be interested to know why you're taking a course (because I'm nosey).

Cheers and thanks again for sharing - It's a lovely looking lake.
I know that I have a lot of learning to go, Stuart. My major objective is to get away from the auto mode and snap shot-esque photos. I did a lot of experimenting with the aperture and ISO adjustments since I was shooting aperture priority. I have a long way to go to be able to know what I need for that perfect sunset pic. I think I need to stay away from the vignette adjustment as well.

The reason I am taking the course is I needed some thing to occupy my time other than building models. That was according to my wife. My shrink says it helps with depression and ptsd to be more creative. I have noticed a marked improvement in my health that way. I used to dabble in film photography years ago and I needed a refresher to remind me of all the techniques that I have forgotten in the past 40 some odd years. As for offering some suggestions I am open to them.


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Re: Pretty Water lake, Sapulpa, Ok

Post by Stuart »

Hi Paul,

First off, no I don't think you have a long way to go, I fully agree with Stik in that I think you have a good eye for composition and subject. Whilst photography is one of those things were I'd argue that you never stop learning, if your goal is to move away from just 'snap-shot' photography and become a competent photographer then I'd say you'll easily reach that.

Secondly, thanks for sharing your reasons why. As I said, I'm rather nosey, especially when it comes to the enjoyment of a passion that I've had for nearly 30 years, and I love to see other people enjoying it. I'm really glad that it's helping with your health - it doesn't surprise me, creative things tend to do that - your wife was obviously right :grin:


Well to be honest only one actually - which you probably already know. There's a couple of shots that I think are very good, but could do with just a little bit of a tighten up on the subject matter.

I love this image, I think the sunset is excellent, but if the subject is the tree and the sunset, then you do have a fair bit of wasted space around the edges of the frame.


I'd just suggest thinking about what the subject of the shot is, and concentrating on that. I'm not suggesting never use wide angles, as 99.9% of my photos are taken between 18mm to 50mm, but just pulling in tighter around the subject.


Now.. This is just my opinion, and I don't consider myself a particularity good photographer, and you may well not agree with me - and that's just fine. One of the wonderful things about photography is that it is entirely subjective!

My favourites are these three - I love the composition on all of them - you obviously know your thirds!




Really good work Paul, please do share more as your course progresses as it'd be great to see how you get on. By all means take a look at my blog (the link is below) if you want to see of my efforts.


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Re: Pretty Water lake, Sapulpa, Ok

Post by jeaton01 »

Paul, you should continue this. Nice nature photos.

And since I am a Pentaxian from way back, I wonder what you clowns will do with that!
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