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Stuart's Me410 (Matchbox 1/72)

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 4:42 pm
by Stuart
Hi All,

So when the time comes I'll be building this...


Having a nose in the box now - looks to be a good kit thus far, one of MB's later and better efforts. The decals also look pretty usable.

I'll be doing the B-1 option if that means anything to anyone. The aircraft was part of 1 Staffel 'EDELWEISS' Kampfgesschwader 51, based Beauvis France in Feb 1944. I know knowt about Luftwaffe aircraft so this'll be OOB expect a few bits from the spares box.


Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 4:48 pm
by Stuart
Found this marking sheet on Hannants website - it's the marking option on the box. So at least if I need spare decals I can get some.


Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 4:51 pm
by Stikpusher
Those decals look good Stuart. You’re going with a bomber version?

Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 5:10 pm
by Stuart
:hmm: Well the box say's a B-1 and the decal sheet says it's an A-1..? I assume it's a standard fighter bomber version?

Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 5:17 pm
by LyleW
Uh oh....

Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 7:09 pm
by AtomCat109
I like the scheme on that one!

Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 10:12 pm
by speedgraflex
I am subscribed for the ride, bud! Excited to boot! I wanted to ask if you have watched any of "Knightfall?" I kept seeing the billboard for Season 2 with Mark Hamill co-starring on my way home from work and decided to give the first episode of season two a shot. I was experiencing heavy "Gladiator" deja vu the entire time! Remember how for three years after "Gladiator" there would be movies appearing just like "Gladiator?" Xeroxes. Some of those were pretty good. Most were pretty awful. Cheers, mate!

Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 3:10 am
by Stuart
Thanks Gents!

Lyle - Yep, so it'll be an AB-1-1 :lashed:

Bruce - no I've not seen that, but I'll check it out. I do remember a lot of bad Gladiator clones, but that's always been the way hasn't it - do you remember all of the awful Star Wars clones that came out in the late 70's early 80's?

Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 6:00 am
by Stuart
Morning Gents,

Whilst working on a few other things I pulled this onto the bench this morning. Here's my actual box...


I've always loved that box art, it's such a cool looking aircraft! I've been wanting to get this kit for years but have never got around to it - thanks for the inspiration Bruce!

Here's what's in the box, the classic three colour Matchbox sprues. The detail is pretty poor by today's standards, but for a kit moulded in the 80's - but it's pretty passable and should look good under paint.




Clear parts look good!


Decals look ok... ish.


So there you go... impressive isn't it.

As the kit was there - I decided to do a few bits of snipping and gluing. I know the GB doesn't start until June, but well it was there right in front of me :whistle:

The fit of the parts around the nose is pretty damn good - and I think the profile looks really on the money too. One thing about these old British kits is they often got the shape right.



However one thing that really stands out to me is the lack of nose guns... I can understand why MB omitted them as they have an option in the box for the big underslung cannon, and this aircraft didn't have the side guns. But it would have been nice to have the option of having an insert or something...

Anyway - we now has guns... (and they do look better in the flesh!)


Moving on I assembled the cockpit - looks just like the real aircraft doesn't it...


So the fuselage is back together again whilst I plan out how to add some detail - it won't be anything groundbreaking, just enough to make it look like there's a cockpit in there.


That's all folks!


Re: Stuart's Me410

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 6:07 am
by LyleW
:lashed: okay, send in the GB police! :lashed: The decals do look ish-ish, but you are a master.

Love the different color plastic. Now what are you going to build for the group build? Looks like you will be done in a day or two. A regular Duke Maddog build.