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The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidlines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:44 pm
by jeaton01
I want to include all Hawker aircraft from the Fury to the Hunter, In memory of Sidney Camm, the man behind almost every one of these airplanes. I think that will make for a broad enough selection to be successful and narrow enough to be focused. Or at least semi-coherent. I propose a start date of February 1 2021, and ending October 31, the last day of the Battle of Britain. This whole mess started with a Hurricane post, after all.

Any scale
Any brand
Must be one of these Hawker aircraft.

Fury Biplane
Hillson Slip Wing, for the adventurous
Tempest, Mk II, Mk V, Mk VI
Fury (Centaurus)
Sea Fury
Sea Hawk
Oh well, the Harrier also is good, but you're a weasel if you do the McD variants!
Aftermarket is okay
Scratch Building work is okay
Any country/nationality

If someone just can't conform, we can discuss it but anything too outrageous will result in keelhauling. A case could be made for the P1127 and the Harrier as that was the last airplane Sidney Camm had a hand in.

The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:06 pm
by Stikpusher
I’ll put forth the case for the Hawker Harrier. The GR.1 and AV-8A/C versions were not known by BAE or Hawker Siddley, but simply the Hawker Harrier. And yes, that was Mr Camm’s hand at work on the design.

The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:56 pm
by jeaton01
When I built my Classic Airframes Mk I Hurricanes I made up templates for the camouflage masks. I hate having to figure out the over the fuselage wrap parts and I don't want to do that twice. Here they are, and the Tempest as well. Some early Hurricanes were done in Pattern B, to do that the drawing should be flipped horizontally.




The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:08 pm
by Stikpusher
One addendum to the Harrier nomination. Apparently Hawker Siddeley Aircraft Company came to be in 1935 when Hawker Aircraft company bought the companies JD Siddeley, Armstrong Siddeley, and Armstrong Whitworth. So technically the Hurricane, Typhoon, Tempest, Fury, etc. are Hawker Siddeley Aircraft. The Sea Harrier came about after the British Aerospace takeover, but the AV-8A & C, and the Harrier GR. 1 & 3 are all of Hawker origin.

The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:20 pm
by jeaton01
So, Carlos, are you going to, a, like, a, BUILD a Harrier?!

At this point if you don't the keel might beckon!

The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:08 pm
by Stikpusher
:giggles: Yes, you got the hint! :giggles:

I wanted to build a Harrier last year but never got around to it. So this year for sure. It’s part of my original sacred stash from Christmas 1983. That was the last Christmas that my folks (my dad probably) gave me a bunch of models as gifts. I’ve built a few, sold off the ones that I wasn’t going to build due to no longer building 1/72, and still have a handful of the remaining kits left.

The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:38 pm
by jeaton01
Weellll, Pilgrim, yer gonna hafta give me the particulars.

The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:45 pm
by LyleW
Man, this trail boss is tough.

The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 7:10 pm
by speedgraflex


I would like to throw my hat in the ring. Kit would be PCM 1/32; OOB.

The Storms of the Hawkerlypse GB Rules, Guidelines, Chat

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 8:51 pm
by Stikpusher
This kit


These decals
