Does my modeling method drive you nuts?

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Re: Does my modeling method drive you nuts?

Post by RexCag »

Photos are coming.

I have long said that taking pictures is last on my list of things to do in this hobby. And the PhotoBucket "zap" that happened messed my stuff up really well. It broke the links to almost everything I have already posted,,,,,,,,and when I went to PhotoBucket to download them, every one in that folder is in some unusable code format for cropping, resizing, or posting as is.

That "fix" that is going around is fine for me viewing other people's photos (until PB notices it and disables it, that is), but is of no use to me when it comes to resizing for forums.

I Have to get the build sheets done, since that is what drives my model building. Photos will be an important part of that,,,,,,,,,but, I can't post them on there until they have a place to be posted.

So, I am typing away, trying to get the slots all finished.

I am building at the same time, but,,,,I don't know how to say this and not be insulting to others,,,,,I realllllly can't stand to post the "here is my cockpit" photos of my work at that point. And since I do Ordnance in large batches, and then pull them out and use them on a model,,,,,,,,photos of a hundred 500# bombs getting painted would be extremely boring to other modelers. (as I said, I do it differently, lol)

When I re-shoot all of the pictures, I will post some.
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Re: Does my modeling method drive you nuts?

Post by Stikpusher »

I'm not insulted, but I am curious by what you mean about posting "here are my cockpit" type photos? I do not quite follow. Do you mean the Work In Progress threads where one posts their latest stages of build completion?

As far as the idea of building up and painting lots of ordnance at once. Yes repetitive and redundant to watch, but a time saver at some point I'm sure. Need a load out? Here ya go. As opposed to doing it in small increments for each build.
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Re: Does my modeling method drive you nuts?

Post by RexCag »

I mean my own work, Stik.

I mostly just want the photos of my finished models. I don't like stopping to take a photo of the cockpit, then the cockpit again, then the seats,,,,the belts, etc.

I enjoy looking at what others do,,,,,,,but, even if I wanted to take those in-progress photos, half the time I forget to stop and just keep working past the spot that I should have taken a photo.

For conversion work, or to show a detail that I will make that illustrates some part or item,,,,,,I will put a large card up on the workbench to remind me to stop and take that photo.

Besides,,,,,,,,I do a ton of Scooters,,,,,,can you imagine the reader's eyes rolling back in their heads by the time I get to "Rex's Skyhawk cockpit number 37"? We'd have to pry their eyes back to forward with a modeling tool. ("Mr. Eyes Unrolling Tool")

Now something like a photo set of "How to do a 1/72 Skyhawk cockpit" by the specs,,,I'd do one of those.
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Re: Does my modeling method drive you nuts?

Post by mostrich »

RexCag wrote:,,,,,,,photos of a hundred 500# bombs getting painted would be extremely boring to other modelers. (as I said, I do it differently, lol)
You know what? I'd love to see some pics of your ordnance assemby line. When you did so many of them I'm sure somebody like me, who's a noob when it comes to painting bombs and rockets, could learn a lot from your work.
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Re: Does my modeling method drive you nuts?

Post by BlackSheep214 »

RexCag wrote:Besides,,,,,,,,I do a ton of Scooters,,,,,,can you imagine the reader's eyes rolling back in their heads by the time I get to "Rex's Skyhawk cockpit number 37"? We'd have to pry their eyes back to forward with a modeling tool. ("Mr. Eyes Unrolling Tool")
No different of those who build tons of 109s, 190s, Spitfires, etc...

Besides, I enjoy seeing your work.
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Re: Does my modeling method drive you nuts?

Post by Thomas_M »

Why should we bothered here at SPAM? If it´s fun for you, do it!
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