Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

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Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by Slipmahoney »

Thought I’d start off the New Year with a summation of the aircraft I’ve done over the past few years. There’s no rhyme or reason to most of them, but a few have stories to go along with them.

First up, there’s a DC-1. This kit was a gift from a friend on the LEM several years ago.

Next up is an Antanov An2. As far as I know, this is the largest bi-plane built. And, it’s still flying in some parts of the world.

This little jewel, is my sick bed B-29. I built it while in the VA hospital about four years ago using only a pair of fingernail clippers to remove the parts and clean up the little flash that was on them. Oh, they did give me a tube of “lemony fresh” non-toxic glue to put the parts together.
I put the decals on it and hung it from a knife stand after I got home. The empty hubs on the motors were with the kit to denote a flying aircraft.

The venerable Me-109G. I think this was 48th scale, but wouldn’t swear to it.

A Marine Corps Crusader. I love these birds and would like to build more someday.

A teeny, tiny Triplane. I figured this one came with a Red Baron car kit as you can see from the instructions it’s sitting on, but now that I stop to think about it, it came from the same friend who gave me the DC-1. I just happened to be working on a car when I put it together.

A Ju-87 Stuka. This one was a 32nd scale kit built for my grandson, Logan, ages ago, hence the lack of paint. He wasn’t interested in “technicalities” such as that, he just wanted to play with the plane.

Another Ju-87, but 72nd scale this time and built for myself, though Logan did manage to get it in the end.

A Thunderjug. The checkerboard decals for the tail went down on the horizontal surfaces just fine, couldn’t say the same for the vertical, though.

This PE Mustang was a Christmas present from my daughter a few years ago.

This Bell H-13 MASH chopper was started by my daughter the year before last. Unfortunately, she never got around to finishing it and asked me if I would. What could I say but, of course.

Next up is this SBD Dauntless. I was not happy with the way it turned out as you can probably tell by the unpainted crewmembers sitting in it.

The last two are “whirly birds”. First up is a Huey UH-1C gunship. You’ll notice there’s no paint on it. I figure if a manufacturer goes to all the trouble and expense to mold their kits in the appropriate colors, who am I to argue.

Finally, we have a Marine UH-34D, again unpainted. I’m a firm believer in not messing with a good thing when I don’t have to.

And, there you have them. Wow, I didn’t know how many wingie things I had built over the years. I’m kind of impressed.

Actually, there are two more to go along with these. The first of them would be an Army Air Force C-47A that’s all but finished except for decals. I could have used the kit supplied markings, but I had an uncle who flew for the 2nd Combat Cargo Squadron during WW2. He was flying in India when one morning, he crashed and died shortly after takeoff. I’ve got his aircraft number from the accident report, but don’t know how they were put on the aircraft, or what other markings were used by the 2nd CCS, so she's in Limbo for now.

Finally is the B-24 Assembly Ship, First Sergeant. Like I mentioned elsewhere, she’s finished except for the addition of the rest of her polka dots.
For those interested in such things, here’s the website that got me interested in building the First Sergeant.

And now we come to the end of my airplane building. There are a few more waiting, but I’ll get into those as I start working on them. Thanks for your patience,

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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by Stikpusher »

That’s a nice collection there Slip.

I wonder if I can turn up some info for you on the 2nd CCS. I love C-47s.
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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by speedgraflex »

I am with Carlos on your C47A... if you want help with her markings let me know. I can google around awhile. I was going to suggest before I saw his reply to ask Carlos, actually.

I thought you might enjoy this:

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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by Slipmahoney »

I would appreciate any help you could give me, Carlos. You as well, Bruce. I've spent a lot of time on Google trying to find a mention of the 2nd Combat Cargo Squadron, but haven't turned up all that much on them specifically. I couldn't find pictures of 2nd CCS aircraft that I could tell for sure, but did manage to come up with an example of the squadron's logo.

Bruce, you're right, I did enjoy that article. Hadn't seen it before, thanks. Here's one I especially liked. It has a mention of testing the Crusader's afterburner and the reaction of those around it. ... P7DQVIp.99

I would surely appreciate any help y'all could give me with this,

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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by Stikpusher »

Rick I’m always drawn to such personal aviation connection tales in regards to modeling. I am starting to see some patterns in markings on cargo aircraft flying the Hump. So perhaps we can at least get a close approximation. What was the serial number of his C-47?

Bruce that F-8 link was sweet. I do love that particular blog. And good old Los Al is right up the street here. I am most familiar with that place having been stationed there in my Guard unit from ‘94 to ‘07. I do wish that Revell would re tool their 1/48 Crusader molds to offer the photo recon version option. Like what they did with their F-101B kit years ago.
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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by Slipmahoney »

That would be great, Carlos. His aircraft number was 43-5900. I'd really like to be able to finish this one and appreciate your help.
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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by Stikpusher »

I did find one photo of a 1st CCG/2nd CCS C-47 in Air Force Colors Vol.3. It shows the last three of the serial number painted on the tail in larger, probably yellow, figures. Along with a name in “oriental style” lettering over the troop windows, and some other unidentifiable name or writing on the nose. The last three on the tail holds constant with other C-46 and C-47 that I have found flying the hump in that time period.

Are you certain as to the serial number of 43-5900? According to Joe Baugher’s website, that serial number is for a P-40 that was lend lease to the Soviets.
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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by Slipmahoney »

Thanks for the information, Carlos. I'll have to dig up some number decals somewhere and put them on it.

My bad, the number is 43-15900. Sometimes my memory doesn't hold for long when I'm transcribing things. Should have double checked before I hit "Submit". :oops:
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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by Stikpusher »

No worries there. Here is a great photo of some aircrew next to the tail of a C-47 taken in 1944, CBI, form a Life article on flying the Hump. It shows the same marking style of the last three of the serial number over the serial number itself on the tail. So based on what I have found so far of the CCG/CCS markings in that theater, I will say this is possibly a 2nd CCS C-47


Here is a link to more of the images in the article. There are lots of C-46 images, but not so many C-47. ... 48d8d.html
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Re: Slipmahoney’s Aircraft Builds

Post by speedgraflex »

Amazing photo, Carlos! Also, thank you for the article, “Slip.”
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