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Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:12 pm
by Manny1943
Bottom scheme... :lashed:

Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:25 pm
by lawdog114
mostrich wrote:The CP is a gem as usual, Joe. But the seamline looks a bit heavy (and edged) to my eye. Stretched sprue layed down with Extra Thin may would catch the lines more realistic.
Indeed....thats the smallest diameter I had and I didn't feel like messing with stretched sprue. This thing has been so aggravating that I can live with it.

Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:26 pm
by lawdog114
Manny1943 wrote:Bottom scheme... :lashed: part deux.... :ggun:

Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:27 pm
by ShadowRyder
You sir have piqued my interest so I'm tagging along. Excellent work so far. There just arent enough build WIP's on the Zvezda offering out there if you ask me. Looking forward to your yellow nosed Freidrich!

Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:30 pm
by lawdog114
JimD wrote:I imagine you've probably built a good few of the Hasegawa's completely understandable that you'd be hard pressed to find anything else as satisfying haven spent a lot of time on those. They are still very good kits...I think the cockpit detail is below modern standards, but you noted that, and you are probably well versed in jazzing it up some.

I am like you in that I generally prefer to keep panels and the like closed up most of the time. I can't figure out why Tamiya can put amazingly detailed engines into their 1/32 kits and have them still close up so flawlessly. Yet, no one else seems to be able to do it - if you want it closed up you have to fight. See: Eduard's 190, 110, and 1/32 Emil.

In spite of the issues things are looking great and I look forward to seeing more.
Yes Jim...I've built many. I usually add a true details pit to it...thanks for the kind words.

Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:08 pm
by Manny1943
:bored: How bout an update... :ballbat:

Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:23 pm
by lawdog114
In for a quick update. Thanks for the kind words folks. The JG 26 kite I was building had a yellow nose. After a preshade of the panels, I painted that. I added a touch of XF-7 Flat Red to the XF-3 Flat Yellow...


Next I taped off the yellow and sprayed the wheel bays Gunze RLM 02. These are nicely detailed and way better than Hasegawa's version. The canvas covers are even present. I then started on the RLM 76. I used what I had left over from Hackl's G-6. After a light postshade, here we are.


Next I added the RLM 74 and 75 with Gunze Aqueous. I used a typical upper wing camo pattern which may or may not be correct. The condensation streaks were added for some subtle weathering.


Decals soon...


Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:34 am
by Manny1943
I'm slightly impressed... :FM:

Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:52 pm
by lawdog114
Well, I'm going with done here....and I'm glad!. To recap, it's my take on the relatively new Zveda F-2. I added a PE cockpit set and Quickboost exhausts to spruce it up. Its in the markings of JG 26 ace Gustav "Micky" Sprick in June of 1941. On June 28th of 1941, he was jumped by Spitfires and was KIA when this F-2 lost a wing during evasive manuevering. It's also possible his wing was shot off but that was never confirmed. He would end up with 31 kills.

Reference the kit. Where do I start. Ok...I'll be nice because it is afterall an inexpensive kit. Let's just say that Hasegawa has nothing to worry about (soley my opinion). I just wasn't impressed. Why these companies can't figure out how to offer a closed option so you don't have to use the engine is beyond me. I had to carve off half the engine to make it fit. Also, the panel lines are anorexic especially on the fuselage. Yes I could have scribed them deeper but I didn't feel like it. After repeated Flory washes, I finally got a trace to remain in there. The tail wheel was a poor design and I kept breaking the #$% thing off. I ended up super gluing it on there. As I indicated earlier, I don't like the wing dihehral either. It just looks wrong to me.

To be fair, there are some good things. First, like I already indicated, its cheap. I paid 22 bones for it. It's also nicely detailed in the gear bays, the canopy sill top and the luggage door, which are either void or weak Hasegawa kit. I thought the prop hub was better than Hasegawa's too and it easily held a wash (unlike the rest of the All of the controls surfaces are separate too, a nice touch.

On this kit I pushed my personal boundaries with the weathering. I left more Flory wash "residue" than usual and dirtied up the yellow nose with postshading and exhaust staining. I added prominent gun powder staining to the spinner cannon as well.

Thank you for having me.....


Re: 1/48 Zveda Bf 109 F-2 JG 26 (Gustav "Micky" Sprick)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:23 am
by LyleW
Beautifully done! I like the weathering. Subtle but there.