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Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (therapy build)....

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:06 pm
by lawdog114
Thanks Lyle and Owl....

Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (therapy build)....

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:09 am
by Stuart
That looks stunning!

Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (therapy build)....

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:33 pm
by lawdog114
Well I'm finally in for an update. My fat cat decided to take a nap on top of the Tamiya box that stored the plane on my bench. I opened it to discover that the top fuselage seam split and the rear stabs and lower braces snapped off. After I took a few of his nine lives away :ballbat: (kidding animal lovers), I spent several hours fixing it. :bored:

I then decided to change schemes. I'm going with Gerhard Schopfel's JG 26 kite from August of 1940. Schofel was a very successful pilot during the Battle of Britain and shot down 4 Huricanne's in one mission. These markings were done by Superscale, but I have plenty in the stash to piece this guy together.


This was a matter of adding yellow wing tips and stab tips then raising the fuselage demarcation lin. Fairly painless. I added more postshading too....


......and that beefcake is banished from the model room... :puzzle: .


Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (therapy build)....

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:35 am
by LyleW
Looks very good! Can't help but laugh at "masher" getting a good nap in. Glad you were able to recover. Something about cats and boxes.....

Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (therapy build)....

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:07 pm
by mostrich
Yeah, glad you could recover it. I like you change of scheme. Very nice!
LyleW wrote:Something about cats and boxes.....

Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (Finished)....

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:41 am
by lawdog114
I finished her up last night. To recap, it's the delightful Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 in the JG 26 Markings of Gerhard Schopfel around August of 1940, at the height of the Battle of Britain. Schopfel was very successful during the Battle and on August 18th, he downed four Hurricane's in one sortie and would amass a total of 45 kills by war's end.

The kit was typical Tamiya and is one of their easier builds (aside from my cat sitting on it.....I won't go there again :DH: ) It's weakness is probably the cockpit, but in this case, I only added a True Details seat. It got Quickboost guns and Ultracast wheels to spruce it up further. I pieced together Schopfel's markings from various sheets I had on hand. Strangely my black Flory wash started acting up and left chunks of clay (its a clay based product) everywhere, which took more effort to get it into the panel lines. Perhaps my bottle is breaking down. I do love the war-weary appearence the wash leaves, but I may start looking at alternatives, such as the MIG stuff.

Thanks for having me once again.... you folks are the greatest. I may still be back with yet another, maybe Steinhoff's E-3.



Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (Finished)....

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:57 am
by LyleW
That is beautiful. Needs one thing, though. A little paw print under the cockpit.

Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (Finished)....

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:45 pm
by mostrich
And here we are blessed again with one of your lovely Messerschmitt builds. I dig them all.

So there is another one for the gallery - Jim? :clockwatch:

Re: 1/48 Tamiya Bf 109 E-4 (Finished)....

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:10 am
by CallSignOWL
man, I am n-v-us!

beautiful bird :shoutout: