Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

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Duke Maddog
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Duke Maddog »

Well it's been a tough couple weeks, tougher than usual for me, but I've managed to get a good amount done in my hobby room. It has helped me a lot to keep my sanity and not blow my brains out!

I'll start with the work I've been doing on my aircraft. It's mostly been sanding and filling, sanding and filling, sanding and filling... and more sanding and filling... ad nauseum. This is the A-400 which has so many issues with the canopy fit that I've had to really glop on the Mr. Surfacer 500:


You can see where I had to also fill a lot of sink marks as well. I've been sanding that quite a bit lately and it's starting to look like an aircraft now.

I've also been working on the C-54, but since I'm still sanding and filling and sanding that, there's not much to show.

By the way, did I mention I was doing a lot of sanding and filling?

What I can show is the work I did on the An-124. First off, I wanted to test fit the landing gear bays in the openings of the fuselage but when I pulled them down from where I had them stored, I noticed that one side was missing some pieces off a couple of the landing gear. How they went missing is beyond me! See if you can find the two and a half missing pieces:


Oh well, they won't be seen once I get the gear bay doors on and this thing is sitting on the landing gear. Speaking of which, the gear bays fit into the openings quite well once I got them sanded and shaped a bit:


These fit so snug and tight that I won't even need to glue them in; they are staying in place very nicely:


I did notice the step in the fuselage from the resin coating on the fiberglass that was also evident on the top. So, I taped both sides of the step and proceeded to sand it smooth. That went faster than expected:


Even though you can't tell from that pic, I assure you that is now very smooth!

Later I hope to finish the gear doors and then figure out how to get the cockpit and the canopy attached. After that I'll be adding the wings and tail feathers to this bird and then it's paint time! Wow, that will be quite the thrill to get that far! I better stock up on paint.....

Okay, moving on to my armor, I've got a huge update there since I've been trying to focus on getting a lot of my vehicles finished. I'll start with the BTR-3K that I've been working on.

It has the funky turret that is already tough to comprehend. However with the difficult instructions, it was even more tough! I spent a couple hours just gluing in, and then tearing out and re-gluing these twelve parts four or five times before I figured out how each of them went together and fit in the turret up to this point:


I left the tweezers there to give you an idea of the sizes of everything I've been working on. After that assembly, I jumped ahead and assembled the rocket pods and launching station. There are six pieces in each assembly. The one in front is upside down:


Then I glued them to the main frame above:


Next I needed to add the photo-etch before I could go any further. So, the first parts went on okay as you can see here:


You can also see where I added the smoke dischargers to the base of the turret.

The second box was etched wrong so I folded it wrong. Naturally when I tried to reverse the folds, it all fell apart. This is my attempt to glue it back together:


That didn't actually work but I eventually got that whole thing to glue in it's place after another few hours of fighting it.

Then part 14 fell and disappeared as I was trying to test fit it. It's not a small piece but despite my best efforts and a couple flashlights; I could not find it anywhere. So, I resorted to sheet styrene. I pulled out some very thin stock and placed it under the photo-etch fret and cut out the shape of the part using it as a template:


Later I added that to the back of the turret. Mehinks it is a spent shell capture basket:


Okay, I'd had enough of that so it all got set aside to dry. I next did something simple.

On my 1/35th scale Patton, I took the time to re-spray a light coat of OD over the overly bright modulation I did before. I think it looks far better now; even though this pic doesn't show it too well:


I then airbrushed black over the tracks for this in preparation for adding them to the tank:


Now to show you the models that are all painted. I'll start first with the Churchill Mk II AVRE. I just finished up all the detail parts and got it fully to the paint stage:


Later I shot it with the closest equivalent to the greenish brown color these had... according to the instruction sheet:


Once that dried, I shot the model with a clear gloss in preparation for the decals:


I'm not sure what that hinky pattern is on the side of the turret; possibly a loit of sanding dust left behind. I'll see what I can do to fix that.

I also had done the same with the Mk IV AVRE, getting it fully to the paint stage first:


When I shot the Mk III I also shot this one:


Of course, I followed it with the gloss clearcoat when I do the previous tank:


Looks a little grainy. I'll be shooting another coat on that one later,

Moving on, I finally also completed the Japanese tank transporter in preparation for paint:


They made this model so you could also tip the cab to see the engine:


Next was the paint. I shot it with a deep green used by the JGSDF:


Later this got glossed as well:


While still on tank transporters, I moved on to my other American ones. I brought the HEMMTT Tractor all the way to the paint stage. The only thing missing are a couple detail parts that will go on last and the big honkin' cylinder thing that is supposed to go on the side. I know I built it; it's somewhere on the desk but I am not waiting to find it! I started the paint and whenever that thing shows up again, I'll add it to the model:


These were going to be three-tone NATO patterns so I started with the black first, adding the spots to where they are supposed to go. Later I'll add the Silly Putty over that, paint the brown, then more Silly Putty and finally the green.

Here's the HEMMTT tractor trailer with the first shots of black:


Later I did the same thing with the M-1070 tractor. Another friend who built this model suggested adding some wire or thread to the cable drums before closing them up, so I did, I used silver thread here and you can see the glue was still wet:


Here they are both completed and closed up:


Finally this tractor was completed enough to start shooting paint. Again, I'll have to wait till that axle assembly shows up and add it when it does, Until then, I'm not waiting; this truck is getting done:



And here it is with the first coat of black squiggles:


Okay, that's all for this big update. I'm hoping to get these all done by November... not that there's any shows happening to show them. Still, I have more models I want to start but want to clear these first.

Thanks again for looking in, comments are always welcome.
The Duke
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Medicman71 »

Wow Mark!! That's a lot of nice work there!

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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Duke Maddog »

Thanks Mike! I'm trying to keep it going.
The Duke
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Stuart »

Just caught up with the last 5 page Mark - Wow! What an awesome amount of quality work going on!

I'm loving the large aircraft and those rockets were superb! :shoutout: :shoutout: :shoutout: :shoutout: :shoutout:
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Stikpusher »

Keep plugging away at them Mark! I’m liking how those heavy trucks are shaping up. Adding the metallic thread as cable on the spools was a great touch.
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Duke Maddog »

Thanks Stuart! It's been a very rough month last month so I'm also surprised at how much I'd gotten done. Yeah, the rockets were a blast to work on! LOL! :giggles: Now I need a Saturn IB to complete a Real Space Collection.

Thanks Carlos! I am continuing with those heavy trucks even though two of them won't be completely complete. I want to see them off my workbench. Yeah, I got the idea of the silver thread for the cabling from a guy who built this model on Missing Lynx Braille Scale Forums. He listed a bunch of things to look for and I've done almost all of them so that I can have a decent model when done. Then I go and lose a whole axle assembly! :headslap:

More coming soon. I might even have a small update posted tomorrow so stay tuned.
The Duke
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Stikpusher »

Mark, you didn’t lose the part, you misplaced it. You know it’s in the room somewhere and will turn up eventually. I had one of those things happen yesterday myself. Of course the chaos of three house moves (plus time in a storage facility) and nine years of having last definitely seen it contributed to the missing item... :headslap:
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by mustang1989 »

You sir......are a man on fire!!!! I always enjoy coming in here and snooping around at what you're building.
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Duke Maddog »

Carlos, thanks! Yeah, it's around here somewhere. I just hope I can find it soon. I'm still moving forward with both these trucks despite the misplaced items. I agree about the chaos of moving and such. While I haven't moved in a good long time, my hobby room is pure chaos right now!

Thanks Joe! Glad I can please. The fire is still burning so far. I should be finishing my posts in another hour or two. Stay tuned!
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2020 Production

Post by Duke Maddog »

As promised, here's more....

Here's a small update showing everything done in the past week. I'll start with my aircraft as usual.

On the C-54, I masked off all the windows on the fuselage using my new Vallejo liquid mask. Looks good so far, even though it's tough to see in these pics:


Next I completed all the flaps for the wings and tail feathers. Not all are installed just yet:


After that I decided to dry-fit the wings and tail on the fuselage. Tail looks good, but the wings have some space issues that I'll have to deal with:


My next project was the A-400 Grizzly. I also masked off the fuselage windows on this as well with the Vallejo mask:


I then started on the landing gear bays. I'll have to paint some interior and find some clear parts before I can go further here:


I then built the propellers. Simple enough:


I then snap-fit the wings and tail on this one to both test the weight I'll need for the nose; as well as see what fit issues I'll have on the wings:


Moving on from there, I finally got all the parts on the landing gear bays for the AN-124 Condor. I then started assembling the main gear bay doors:


Here are all the main landing gear bays and doors ready to install on the fuselage. I need to paint everything first before I add them in:


After that I wanted to see what it was going to take to mount the cockpit inside this thing. First thing I needed to do was to cut out a section of the nose. Using the scriber and knife shown, I was able to do that:


Later I test fit the cockpit inside the main fuselage as indicated by the instructions. I'm gonna have a bit more cutting to do; as well as filling later on when this all goes together:


You can see why I didn't paint anything behind the pilot's seats...

After that I masked off the windows on the main cockpit canopy:


That's all I got on my aircraft. Next is my armor; which got a little done. Most if it was tedious, like the masking on the HEMMTT tank transporter and trailer with Silly Putty:



I also masked off the M-1070 and trailer at the same time:


You can see in that pic that I still have plenty of Silly Putty on hand....

Here's the trailer. It was a bit more difficult to mask than the HEMMTT trailer:


After that I moved ahead on the BTR-3K, finally getting the turret completed:


What an ordeal that was! I also finished most of the detail parts on the main hull in preparation for paint:


Time to shoot some paint on this Bad Boy, and possibly see about adding the digi-camo decals later:


That's all for this small update. Stay tuned for more later and thanks for looking in on this one. Comments are always welcome.
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with 'till you understand who's in ruttin' command!"
-Jayne Cobb, Firefly Episode 2 "The Train Job"

We are modelers - the same in spirit, in hunger to insanely buy newly released kits, hustlers in hiding our stash from our better halves and experts in using garbage as replacements for after-market parts.
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