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Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 5:52 pm
by BlackSheep214
I finally done my first ever camo scheme! Underside is Model Master Sky Type "S" ANA610

This past Friday night, I first used Badger's Earth. Did not like it at all. Too light plus it didn't airbrush nice. Had so much trouble with it even when I tried thinning it enough to be airbrushable. When I first opened the bottle, it was almost like a pasty thick texture. Probably from being sitting for so long in my stash.. I figure maybe I can salvage it by adding Tamiya thinner to make it sprayable. No matter how hard I tried, it worked and sometimes it didn't work. Screw it. I let it dry and sprayed Model Master Dark Tan last night. Much better.

This afternoon, I spent a couple hours cutting paper template I found online. it was 1/32 scale but I somehow got it to match the scale of 1/48. In fact, it is THE exact camo scheme as shown in the instruction guide. I know some of you may tell me I should have used silly putty instead. The reason I went with cutting out paper templates and taping it to the wings and fuselage (with yellow Frog tape) is because I knew it would give me the feathered edges I wanted.

I later sprayed RAF Dark Green for the green camo area. Overall, I'm really happy with how it came out. There are a few minor spots that needs touching up. You can see those spots in the following photos...

Minor green paint bleed. Not a biggie.


Minor paint bleed and tan lifted. Don't know if I nicked it while removing the paper template or the tape pulled it. Easy fix...


Minor tan paint bleed. Easy fix...


And finally. more minor paint bleed on nose area and underside wing root. Easy fix...


Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 9:10 pm
by jeaton01
A few back and forths with the colors and you'll be good to go!

There are 1/48 mask patterns for the Hurricane and Spitfire on my website which you are welcome to use, here: ... icane.html ... tTemp.html

Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:52 am
by Medicman71
The camo looks great! :shoutout: :shoutout:

Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:28 am
by BlackSheep214
Fixed the minor trouble spots and sprayed a coat of gloss clear last night. Next .... mask and paint the canopy, decals, then the rest of the assembly.
Once that's done, a bit of weathering then a final coat of flat clear. Hoping to get it finished by the end of the week.

Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:05 pm
by keavdog
Looking good! On the home stretch

Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:02 pm
by BlackSheep214
Decals are done! Tomorrow.... flat clearcoat to seal it in. Canopy still needs to be done, assemble the struts and tires to gear doors, install tail wheel and propeller followed by light weathering before final flat clearcoat.

Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 9:09 am
by BlackSheep214
Canopy installed the other night but instrument panel came undone and fell inside fuselage. :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:
Not gonna bother pulling it out and gluing it back on since you can’t see it with canopy glued on. :bored:

Last night, I got one side landing gear on. WTH?!? One extension part doesn’t reach the floor?!? Pics forthcoming because I had to let it dry overnight to set. :headbang:
Got the tail wheel installed though. :bored:

Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 10:16 am
by BlackSheep214
As promised... the pic of landing gear strut in question... :scream: :scream: :scream:



Other landing gear strut installed this morning with side struts installed.


Sorry for the blurry pic. :bag:


Propeller tips painted yellow over black. Not too bad actually. I'm surprised the yellow didn't give me a hard time covering over black. :lashed:


Since the kit detailing was pretty dismal, the landing lights in front of each wing side lacked landing lights. :bored:
What to do... what to do? What would MacGuyver do? So I improvised by making my own using Elmer's White Glue to create proper lights. I made several sizes since I don't know which would fit correctly.


They're currently drying now so in due time, I'll simply scrape them off the template with flat blade and test which ones look better. They will be glued on inside wing slot and use Molotow chrome pen for lens color before placing the clear cover on wings.

Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 10:27 am
by Stikpusher
You can also improvise landing light lenses using drops of gel CA over foil. Once they’ve dried, cut them out and the foil acts as the lens reflector.

Add a small piece of styrene strip in the right size to make up the missing portion of the retraction arm.

Re: 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk. I

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:08 am
by BlackSheep214
I used Gorilla Super glue to hold it in place. But... that's something I could do for a better hold. Yeah, CA gel did come to mind but didn't have any on hand.