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Re: 1/72 Italeri F-5F

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:39 am
by Fermis
Calling it finished.
After a dull coat, I just lightly brushed on some black pastel chalk to help pick out the raised panel lines a bit (think dry-brushing).






Overall...I can't complain about the fit, no real issues there. Decals went on just fine, although they were just a hair breadth out of register. Some parts were missing from the instructions (antennas, lumps and bumps), but the parts are on the sprues. Minor accuracy issues, such as the nose shape and the area at the leading edge wing root. I guess you get about what you'd expect out of a kit that had its molds made in 1982.

For me, personally...Had I purchased this, it would have likely sat in the stash for years, maybe included in a trade or sale, or if the gumption struck, I'd rescribe, scratch up new gears and cockpit, and correct the nose and wingroot leading edge. Being that I obligated myself to build it, I built looks like an F-5F sitting on my shelf and the price was right!
My favorite part of this was the's pretty dang cool! Most disappointing part...short of scratchbuilding or aftermarket, there's no option to load this model out, to depict it as the boxart shows.

Re: 1/72 Italeri F-5F

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:10 pm
by KSaarni
It's a great build, great end result Fermis !

- Kari

Re: 1/72 Italeri F-5F

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:48 pm
by Duke Maddog
Nicely done Fermis! You did a fantastic job making this tough kit look good, despite no "heroic" measures. Way to go!

Re: 1/72 Italeri F-5F

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:48 pm
by Thomas_M
Looks like a typical "Fermis-build": awesome! :shoutout:
I really like your clean approch on this one. The colours and the subtle camo looks so good!

Re: 1/72 Italeri F-5F

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:32 am
by Stikpusher
Great review and a great finish! Well done sir! :shoutout: