Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

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Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Stuart »

Not sure if this is of interest to anyone on here - but in the spirit of staying within the community and letting you all know what I’m up too, I thought I’d at least post something up.

Due to real life issues, a modelling room disaster and the summer heat, I’m not really building much at the moment, although I still have two or three in long term WIP. However, what I have suddenly found myself getting back into building Warhammer 40,000 models – which is a bit of a shock, as I’ve not touched one since I gave up wargaming in 2001.

For those of you that may not be familiar with it (and a bit of back story) – Warhammer 40K is a table top Sci-fi Wargame invented by Games Workshop in the UK, set in a dark war torn (obviously) universe of the far future. Now I personally have had a massive interest in this universe since I first read my copy of the Games Workshop magazine White Dwarf back in the 80’s, and although I’ve not always played it, I’ve always read up on it and enjoyed the novels and fan fiction set in this universe (google the Black Library). But I’ve not felt like buying the models, mainly because they’re too damn expensive and I was never any good at figure painting anyway.

However, Just recently a good friend of my starting building some of the 40K kits and writing about it on his blog. I was so inspired that I decided to take the plunge and picked up a few of the cheapest kits I could find, and have decided once and for all to try and learn how to do the Games Workshop style of figure painting that I’ve always loved. So this is what this thread is about – just me tinkering with some of these figures trying to paint them up as best as I can. And to be honest, I wanted to build something that was quick and easy (ish) whilst I’ve not got much time at the bench, and would give me the satisfaction of building and finishing something.

The strange thing is, I want to try and emulate the style of painting from the early days of 40K, not so much the currant look – or maybe a mix of both. A lot of the house painting these days seems a bit dark and had lost the colours of the past.

As I said, I’m not sure if this is of interest to anyone, but I didn’t want to stop posting up on SPAM.

As a strange aside to all this – I find myself wanting to play again… which I was not expecting. Before I knew it I’ve picked up some of the old (from the 80s/90s) rule books that I used to have, including one for a game called Space Hulk which can be played by a single person. I’m not interested much in the modern version – a LOT has changed since my day, and not for the better in a lot of (expect the figures and models, they’re truly beautiful), but I really want a chance to read through the original 40K rule books from the 80’s as a great bit of nostalgia (I find myself looking back a lot recently). One thing I might also report on in this thread are my efforts to pull together the bits and Bobs needed to play Space Hulk (the counters etc.) in its original form. Yes I could by the whole recently re-released version but that’s not really in the spirit of what I want to do.

Anyway – sorry for the waffle! :bag:

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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Stuart »

This is the first Figure I've built up, the Modern tooling of my favourite character from the past - A Space Marine captain in Terminator armor. This took about 1/2 an hour to build up, including drilling out the gun barrels.

It's a lovely moulding - all I've got to do now is figure out how to paint him!! :hmm:



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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by speedgraflex »

Go for it! And there ain’t nothing strange about choosing the 90s aesthetics for a Warhammer sculpt. I’d say just embrace that fully, Stuart.
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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Stikpusher »

This is cool Stuart. Many years ago I ran across this game at a Games Workshop store in a local shopping center. I played a round with one of the sales people and enjoyed myself throughly. But I never pursued it any further. Fast forward to,last year, and my son has gotten introduced and hooked into it by some of his Air Force buddies in his unit. When we visited him last November, we spent some time doing some painting together. (They were these Space Marines figures) When he was home on leave this past Christmas before deploying overseas, I told him that he should join our site here to share his work. I will try again when he comes back. He follows some online blogs for his painting guides. And his work is pretty decent for someone who just started out in figure painting. It took me years to reach the level where he is now.
I shall enjoy watching your work Stuart and see if I can bring him onboard as another Warhamer guy here.
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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Stuart »

Thanks Gents - We'll see how it goes!

Stik, That would be really cool to meet him and see his work. How's he getting on anyway?

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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Stikpusher »

My son is doing well Stuart. Their tour of duty has been fairly routine, so I am thankful about that. I will see about recruiting him for SPAM... :ballbat:
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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Stuart »

Glad to hear it Stik!

Well I've got a few more figures to build - these are all old style kits from the 90's (So the ones I used to play with). Not as detailed as the modern kits but should be plenty good enough to give me some practice.


There's also a big stompy cyborg thing!


I also picked up this 90's painting guide. It;'s a bit more basic than I hoped but a good collectors thing. I might see if I can get another more detailed one.



I also picked up two rule books (not that I'm likely to use them).

I've always wanted a 1st edition Rouge Trader rule book from the 80's - and now I have a mint one (cost me £90).


And I also picked up a copy of the 3rd edition rule book - which is what I used to play.


This is all very nostalgic and cool!!!
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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Stikpusher »

This should be good... :hmm:
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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Duke Maddog »

All this is looking good. As a member of St. Crispin's Irregulars ( a Historical Miniatures Gaming Society chapter) I've seen a lot of these as well as helped judge a few figures entered in a painting contest. (Hey, Warhammer is Historical---future history, and it has miniatures!) One thing I remember from this (I never played the game) was that Space Marines considered themselves the baddest dudes in the galaxy so they insisted in not wearing camouflage: they wanted their enemies to see them coming and quake in fear! So, be as garish ans scary as you want my friend; go crazy!

I'll be following along and watching for future progress.
The Duke
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Re: Stuart's Warhammer 40K rediscovery Thread...

Post by Stuart »

Stikpusher wrote:This should be good... :hmm:
I hope so!
Duke Maddog wrote:All this is looking good. As a member of St. Crispin's Irregulars ( a Historical Miniatures Gaming Society chapter) I've seen a lot of these as well as helped judge a few figures entered in a painting contest. (Hey, Warhammer is Historical---future history, and it has miniatures!) One thing I remember from this (I never played the game) was that Space Marines considered themselves the baddest dudes in the galaxy so they insisted in not wearing camouflage: they wanted their enemies to see them coming and quake in fear! So, be as garish ans scary as you want my friend; go crazy!

I'll be following along and watching for future progress.
Thanks Duke - that's cool that you belong to a gaming chapter!

The more I get involved in this the more I’m moving away from just building a few figures to actually wanting to play some games. I’m probably not going to get involved in 40K again but I have started sorting myself out a copy of the 1st Edition of Space Hulk - thought to be the purest game mechanics and the game I’ve always wanted to play/own since I was 10.

I have sourced some original rules and mission books, and a full set of tiles and counters and doors. I could just buy a fully boxed original set but I’ve seen some go for £200!!! I’ve also picked up some of the original 1980’s metal additional figures.
Naughty I know, I’ve also downloaded pretty much every pdf I can find on the net about the game – from Advanced Solo Player Rules and additional fan based rules on new armies, missions etc.

So everything I’m going to build from now on will be with playing this game in mind (mainly). I’ve almost finished painting up my first test figure – and I’ll post some pictures soon.

When I get it all sorted I’ll show the game set up!
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