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Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:10 am
by keyda81
I must have lost my mind. I know the reputation of this kit. Yet for some odd reason I am still compelled to mess with it. It's probably been in my stash longer than any other kit. So I think it's due time to pull it out and then continually question why I ever even had that horrible idea. :lol:

And if that wasn't bad enough I made it even worse for myself with the addition of PE and some resin parts. I was looking for aftermarket decals, but honestly I can't find any I like. I want to do the paint black, with half invasion stripes. Never done half stripes before. So I guess I'm going to go with kit decals and do "Husslin Hussy". I can't find too many pictures of said aircraft. But it seems according to the directions, while it was painted black it did not have the upper turret with the half invasion stripes. If anyone can confirm or deny that fact, please feel free to do so. I prefer at least some kind of accuracy, and we all know how inaccurate kit instructions can be.

So I'm in it for the long haul I guess. I figured, well it's December. Long way to go before the weather gets nice again. I've got plenty of time to work on this, and try to whip the kit into shape. At this point I feel like it's a right of passage with what I have heard about it. A true test of modeling skill and ability. We shall see if I'm up to the challenge, or this lands up in the trash can, and I buy GWH's kit.

What I'm working with.

The plan is to not skimp on this either. I'm going to take my time with it. The PE looks like it will add some nice detail to it. As long as I can handle what the kit throws at me it should come out looking nice. Crossing my fingers.

Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:24 am
by Gary Brantley
Good luck! Like you, I've had the Monogram boxing of this one in the stash for a very long time. I'm pretty sure I bought it in the late 1980s and used to take it out from time to time, look it over...and put it back (much as I did with the Monogram P-38 :wink: ). And that was mostly before the internet had spread the word on this model. I'm looking forward to seeing your results Keyda. I have a weakness for WWII "twins" and would love to have one o' these in the display. Build on! :grin:

Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:47 am
by Medicman71
I had this kit in the stash at one time but I couldn't bring myself to build it, especially with the Hobby Boss and GWH kits out there. I have the Hobby Boss kit now. Are you going to rescribe it?

Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:38 am
by Stikpusher
I just did a quick bit of Googling, and it appears that there were two P-61s that were named Husslin Hussy. One flew in the PTO with the 6th NFS, and the other in the ETO with the 422 NFS. The kit comes with the markings for the PTO 6th NFS.


Note the B-29s in the background.

Here is the ETO 422nd Husslin Hussey, in OD over Neutral Gray with lower half invasion stripes.


Completely different nose art, and a slight change in spelling. But as you can see that there are two more Widows in the flight, Jukin Judy (lead ship) and Lovely Lady (farthest from camera). Perhaps you can find decals for one of those. Or possibly another 422nd NFS P-61 will be what you are looking for?

Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:34 am
by LyleW
Girl, you have lost your everlovin' mind. But, I am excited to see this come to be. I'm sure you will do it justice!

Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:50 am
by BlackSheep214
Oy! My son got me this kit for Christmas last year. I will warn you... you're in for a gluten of pain. I hated tjis kit especially with one boom molded in cowling while the other isn't. I had thought about getting AM parts but decided against it. Itll cost me more than what my son paid for it. The figures are horrible. Definitely not like the original Monogram kit I did as a kid in the late 70s early 80s.

I had started on it but stopped because it was that bad.
As Mike already mentioned, I'm holding out for Great Wall or the Kitty Hawk kit.

Good luck on this one. Hopefully you won't smash it to the wall as I had almost done several times building this Revell kit.

Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:10 am
by Medicman71
I have this kit in the stash. Even comes with metal inserts for the nose to keep it from being a tail sitter.


Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:15 am
by tempestjohnny
I built the old white box Monogram kit as a kid. I have two of these in the stash now. Been parting them out for parts lately after hearing the nightmares

Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:59 am
by jkim
Is this the same kit?


I built this one! Over forty years ago!

Re: Revell's 1/48 P-61 Black Widow

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:39 pm
by BlackSheep214
jkim wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:59 am Is this the same kit?
Yup. The very same kit I did. The Revell mold is from that old Monogram kit.

No doubt the molds have seen better days when Revell re-issued this one. Lots of flash on the sprues.