2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

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2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

Post by speedgraflex »






Clavius Base is a lunar settlement in the fictional Space Odyssey universe created by Arthur C. Clarke. The base, located at Clavius crater, is featured in both the novel and film versions of 2001: A Space Odyssey. According to the novel, the base was finished in 1994 by United States Astronautical Engineering Corps. If necessary, the base can be self-sustaining. As depicted on screen, Clavius Base features some surface features (a landing pad and control tower, together with other ancillary support structures), but the vast majority of the base is located beneath the Lunar surface to protect it from micro-meteoroid impacts and solar radiation. Incoming spacecraft set down on a landing platform beneath a dome which opens as the vessel descends. The landing platform is part of an enormous elevator, which lowers the spacecraft into a cavernous docking bay, illuminated in red. Although not a reuse of the Clavius model, Moonbase Alpha from the TV series Space: 1999 is designed using the same concept as Clavius. It is located in another crater, Plato. Clavius Base is, apparently, the central focus of American activities on the Moon, and is under the control of the United States Astronautics Agency.








Matthew and I are going to build this to support the Atomic City (aka Captain Cardboard) Models 1/80 "Aries 1b" from "2001: A Space Odyssey." Specifically I am going to attempt to blueprint by decoding color stills what the supports are beneath the three plinths of the landing platform and scale these to the model. I am also going to build a cardboard mockup and I will be building the four support arms on the sides supporting the plinth itself. At that point, Matthew and I will get together with a bunch of PVC pipe, a cutter (and a case of cold beer), as well as whatever else I am able to scrounge up to add details to the elevator supports. I am thinking—and Matt approves—to build this base so it splits apart to make carrying easier; so the supports will be half size then fit together, or something along those lines. The Aries 1b is built, but there are a few fixes necessary. I need to add a few exhaust nozzles which popped off, so I am thinking about fabricating all of the nozzles with open centers to reflect the original model.


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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

Post by Stikpusher »

"Surely I have made my meaning plain? I intend to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I have deprived your ship of power, and when I swing 'round, I intend to deprive you of your life."

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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

Post by speedgraflex »

Popcorn! Glad you’re enjoying the show, Carlos!


Before the facts were known, a small studio in El Segundo, California, became mecca for a pilgrimage of visual effects professionals who arrived to gaze in awe at the Aries 1B – the spherical trans-lunar spaceship from 2001: A Space Odyssey – that, miraculously, had been found after 47 years in obscurity.

The miniature was up for auction and the curator, Premiere Props, welcomed guests to verify the find. Facebook images began appearing of spectators posing with the ship — Dennis Muren, Greg Jein, Matthew Gratzner, Ian Hunter, Shannon Gans, Dave Jones, Bruce Logan, Pat McClung, Harrison Ellenshaw, Peter Anderson, Bill Taylor, André Bustanoby, Gene Kozicki, Rob McFarlane, Ted Rae, Dan Winters, John Goodson and Kim Smith (and guest appearances, by phone, from Douglas Trumbull and Steve Gawley). The general consensus: the miniature was real.

The AMPAS Museum of Motion Pictures eventually acquired the ship for a princely sum. Prior to finalizing the sale, event organizer Dan Levin allowed Visual Effects Society Archive Committee co-chair Gene Kozicki and VFX artist André Bustanoby to a make detailed photographic record of the ship; and Gene shared the experience with Cinefex:

“I have to admit that when I first heard that the Aries-1B filming model was up for sale at a local auction house, I was skeptical. Model makers, prop makers, and costumers have been making replicas of key items for years and quite often they show up in an auction as the authentic item, only to be ‘de-bunked’ later. At first I thought that would be the (unfortunate) case here. But the photos and story had a ring of authenticity to them and I figured it was worth seeing it in person.

“Upon first examination, the model appeared to be in pretty good shape. It was covered in thick layer of dirt and dust, but structurally it was sound and aside from the landing gear shrouds, was largely intact. It was what I expected a model that was made in 1966 to look like. The story that the auctioneer provided about how the consignor obtained it lined up somewhat with the story I had been told by Dave Larson (who’s researched the making of 2001 extensively and has worked with Doug Trumbull on presentations).





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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

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"Surely I have made my meaning plain? I intend to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I have deprived your ship of power, and when I swing 'round, I intend to deprive you of your life."

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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

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I am certain Stanley Kubrick would agree.


(and there is a certain irony in the realization that the character in Monty Python's Holy Grail is played by the director Terry Gilliam) I also feel certain that the special effects experts called to authenticate the lost and now found Aries 1B would also agree with you, and I know most of the ILM staff during the Original Trilogy years would also agree. On Friday I read a fascinating fascinating yes Spock fascinating article on the development of the Millennium Falcon design.

https://kitbashed.com/blog/a-complete-h ... ium-falcon

Colin Cantwell, of the “Class of 2001,” designed the ships, sandcrawler, Luke’s speeder and the Skyhopper for A New Hope.

Meanwhile, back on Clavius:

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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

Post by Duke Maddog »

Wow, this is awesome seeing such an iconic piece of cinema history come back into the light. It sure does look fantastic. Man, I wish I could get a piece of the action on your project Bruce; that is such a magnificent thing you are doing. Please keep us all updated as this goes on.

I'm following this closely as well with my own popcorn.... :popcorn:
The Duke
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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

Post by speedgraflex »

Thanks so much for following along, Mark—and for your comments as always. Your good will and good karma are always a major boost and I am grateful you are here. I started looking for blueprints. The designer of 2001 (one of the designers, rather) was Harry HK Lange. Apparently a small press recently released what the blurb calls "The Holy Grail of Harry Lange's Complete, Unseen Archive from 2001," titled "The 2001 File."


website: https://www.reelartpress.com/catalog/ed ... -2001-file
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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

Post by Stikpusher »

It’s just so funny how folks like us get all worked up over an assembly of pieces of plastic and whatever else. Take that item, put it in a movie of some note, then make it disappear for a decade or three and upon reappearance, the interest skyrockets within our group. It is just something to ponder as to why. I realize that sports or military memorabilia generate similar interests within their particular audiences. But what makes such things so fascinating to those who have that interest?

Anyways, back to Aires. That is a great find and a superb reference for your build on the project. Now I am curious about something- this is all in 1/80 scale, and you were talking of opening the nozzles for the RCS thrusters. If those are of similar size to those in an Apollo craft, which they appear to be modeled from or after, they will be SMALL!!! Just a thought... :hmm:

Still enjoying the photo show before the main event here... :popcorn:
"Surely I have made my meaning plain? I intend to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I have deprived your ship of power, and when I swing 'round, I intend to deprive you of your life."

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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

Post by speedgraflex »

You raise a great point, Carlos; actually, more than one point! Since this touches a deeper vein, let’s expound a bit. You are spot on about the obsessional nature of what may be described at its nadir as modeling addiction—I use the term “addiction” very carefully here; indeed I recall first reading the word used by Ian Fleming in “Thunderball,” at the beginning where the second in command to the big bad was given a moment to enjoy stealing nuclear bombs from the British. I will paraphrase as this was years ago: “He took out a cigarette and broke it in half, for addictions must be controlled.” Hell of a writer, Fleming.

To your points: yes, it is remarkable indeed that adults would become so worked up about the slightest of details and follow the trail of information from the dark shadows of the internet all the way to a warehouse to validate what was once considered lost. The Cult of Kubrick; the well-known statement that “All 2001 models were destroyed;” and grown men who have come of age in the years following the rebirth of science fiction subjects (so many spaceships to model) definitely fueled the addiction! Long have the 2001 models rested quietly entombed by the weight of the past. Truly, though the background of this find lies within a plan to gift the models to a local high school to generate a learning experience, a “2001 Space Camp,” shortly after the film was released. Apparently, the 3 foot sphere of the Aries 1B sat for 46 years in the garage of a local teacher, a gentleman who knew the Kubricks personally. Now it is out, and hopefully will be out on display soon!

Regarding my obsession-addiction with “2001,” when I was very young I bought the soundtrack at a garage sale (not for the music as much as the artwork on both sides), followed by the novel (secondhand at a rummage sale), then renting the video. Being poor has an advantage in focus—if you want something, you have to really fight for it.

Historically the models were given away, others too large to be given away were dumped. We have evidence, too:


If one believes two Moon Rocket Bus Models were built during pre-production, then one may reside inside one of the many boxes Kubrick has in storage.
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Re: 2001 : A Space Odyssey 1/80 Clavius Base Second Airlock.

Post by speedgraflex »

Carlos—the point you made about the similarities between the thrusters and the Space Program designs is so good. I know the designer worked for NASA and personally visited the production plants to see the development of the lunar module, but I did not make the connection you made that this is a resource! Thank you!
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