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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:23 pm
by BlackSheep214
Unfortunately, there is no IPMS clubs in my area except in Syracuse - an hour’s drive from me. It’s not worth the gas and time driving 1 hour each way for an IPMS weekly/monthly get together at a hobby shop in Syracuse.

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:01 pm
by Stikpusher
Oh I don’t know about the drive not being worth it. I used to drive a good 45 minutes to OC IPMS, and my drive now is about 30 - 40 minutes to Phoenix IPMS depending upon traffic. AMPS was a bit closer but is father now. I know or knew guys in those clubs who drive even longer once a month. Being at a hobby shop sounds like an added bonus because you can pick up supplies and browse at the very least. So Cal AMPS used to have everybody hit Brookhurst Hobbies before and after most meetings, plus an annual meeting there hosted at the shop with a BBQ by the owner in thanks for our business.

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 9:19 pm
by Floki
I told myself at the beginning of the year that I'm not buying any new kits this year only am stuff and supplies for my current kits. That lasted about 3 months. I did clear out my stash of older kits that I got new tools of and some that are just to big like the Monogram clear B-17. In the end I'm still at a lower number of kits than what I started the year with so I'm happy.

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:02 am
by Stuart
Oh I'm not against buying new kits - I think any modeller who says they're never going to buy anything new is flying a kite - we all say it at some-point and it never lasts. I do like Carlos's idea of buying for the stash though, rather than just buying to build and ignoring what we already have.

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:39 am
by BorgR3mc0
Hi, my name is Remco and I am a kit hoarder.

Well, according to my wife I am. I always say that I have around 150 kit (probably higher but let’s ignore that) I aim to build five a year so it should last me for thirty years. So just a few years into my retirement!
Why do I stash? I like certain subjects so I just want those kits. It is like buying a book: a promise to your self that you will take the time to read it (or build it in case of a model).
I can hold ideas for a long time. I made a Japanese airfield diorama in steps. First and aircraft, then a starter truck then the dio. Probably toke ten years or more for all of it coming together. I don’t mind. I have got time, I like making the plans.

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:35 am
by LyleW
Unlike you other styrene-a-holics, I can quit anytime. I simply choose not to. So there. That is why I have 5-6 kits coming for the KYANG proposed project. Because I am weak.

There are clusters of kits that were a "project in mind" at the time - several commercial airliners, several of the classic liners of the 4-s and 50s, oh, and a number of amphibs and float planes. And, and, and the Century series of jets. and the "large format" stuff...B-52, B-29, B-58, C-130 and so on.

But, when I first started buying kits upon returning to the hobby, it was really on a whim or something like that. No rhyme or reason. I'd get rid of them If I could.

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:58 am
by Medicman71
My thing is US Navy aircraft so I've been slowly getting the ones that I can. I still have a long way to go.

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:20 pm
by Duke Maddog
In my case, I buy when I see something that fits in my collection and (these days) is unique; not the usual WWII staples that everyone is releasing by the dozen these days. I've already pretty much built all major aircraft and vehicles from WWII that are available in my scale with the exception of certain German vehicles from WWII. I stopped building the WWII German equipment because everyone on the Braille Scale Forums seemed to be building nothing but German WWI vehicles and I got so burned out on WWII German vehicles from looking at them all. You'd have thought the Germans had won the war....

But I digress....

Stuart, you are right that someone saying they will never buy another new kit is flying a kite. I however have only purchased one new kit in the past two years that recently arrived because it was a pre-order from way back. Aside from that, 99.9% of the models I got were given to me, or purchased for dirt cheap in our Distressed Kit Auction. I mostly get these free kits because they don't build 1/72 scale, or stopped building 1/72 scale in favor of a larger one; and wanted to get rid of them. Since everyone and his brother knows I'm an exclusive 1/72 scale builder in aircraft and armor; it all comes to me. 89% of it is usually models I have already built multiple times for multiple army/air forces but occasionally there's something that I can build and promptly do. I can say that at least 78% of the models I have finished in the past four years have been models that came out of the stash. And aside from select models that are slated for sale (filling three boxes at last count) they are all models I intend to build.

The drawback to people giving me their 1/72 scale models is they do it in 'bulk'; it is rarely just one or two kits. It is a box or bagful! I'm working hard to build as many models as I can to reduce the number of boxes in my hobby room (so I can see my shelves again!) and when I start making noticeable progress, another bag or box is dropped on me! LOL! :headslap: At least people are thinking of me and I still get a good supply of models to keep me busy... :shoutout:

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:40 pm
by Scruffy
For building when I finish all my "stash of doom" started kits, bagged kits etc. :giggles: :giggles: :giggles:
I have a bunch of started kits, and many that were damaged in storage a number of years ago that are essentially bagged kits now, most without decals, and a lesser amount without instructions. They really have no value as is, so I am trying to build those first.
I have more kits than I can build, but I still purchase kits, some new releases, some older kits because they strike my fancy, I have rather eclectic tastes so depending on the whim of the day determines what I might decide I want to get and put away. I have enough to last me into retirement and still have plenty of "trade bait " left over. Realistically, I could reduce my stash to probably around ~300 kits and be set assuming I build 18 a year for the next 25 years. That will be a good winter project thinning the herd a bit :whiteflag:
Ever the optimist I am hoping to get into a routine where I have more consistent bouts of bench time, but that is probably more a pipe dream than reality, at least for a while yet. The funny thing is I have plans foe virtually every kit I have :headslap:

Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:10 pm
by Glamdring
I try and knock out a couple stash kits a year, unfortunately this is like cutting off the head of a Hydra...a few more take that place. Unfortunately the stash is all in a closet so the newer stuff is usually what is pulled out first.

I usually only "buy to build" if I need something to fit a group build theme, building as a gift, or need something special for a show.

Recent issues have caused my to rethink what is in my stash, and I will likely try to liquidating a good chunk of the larger sized and high part count kits in the near future.