What's your Stash actually for..?

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What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by Stuart »

There's a lot of talk on the news recently about a 'cost of living crisis' and the economy here in the UK going down the toilet.

This got me thinking about the cost of this hobby etc. and in doing so it occurred to me that of all the kits I've built in the past few years, not a single one of them had been in the stash for more than a few months!

:hmm: So if I'm basically :quotes: buying to build :quotes: why I have actually got a stash?

The other stupid thing is, when thinking about selling it off, I find I don't want to as all of the kits in there are ones I want to build!?!

So again, if I have a stash of kits I want to build, why am I buying new ones...?


I've decided I'm obviously an idiot :whistle:

In all seriousness, it is something I'd like to address. I know buying new kits is a fun part of the hobby, but I can't remember the last time I pulled a kit out of the stash to build.

I think for the rest of the year I'm going to try not buying any more kits, but instead just logging what I want on a wish list and asking for some for Christmas etc. And while I'm doing that I'll attack the stash and re-ignite my interest in some of those long forgotten projects.

What about you guys? How many kits do you actually build from your stashes,or are you "buy to builders" too?
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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by LyleW »

I ponder that every time I build something I just bought. Ver valid questions. No valid answers.
To make each build less crappy than the last one. Or, put another way, "Better than the last one, not as good as the next one!"..
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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by jeaton01 »

My grandson Alex has his eye on my stash. Also it is useful as attic insulation.
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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by KSaarni »

Stuart wrote: What about you guys? How many kits do you actually build from your stashes,or are you "buy to builders" too?
Good question, when I re-entered the hobby for 10 or more years ago, I just kept on "stashing up" all those kits I found interesting.
And pretty quickly I had 100 or more kits waiting just to be built.
Most of them are still unbuilt and I have started to sell off some of my "jewels" that I know I wont ever build or that I don't feel for any mojo for at the moment

So I have become a "buy to builder" nowadays, best examples being Eduards Zero I built immediately when I had bought it, and now Eduards Wildcat, which I am doint the same with. Most of my stash is packed in big boxes on the attic.

But I have a virtual stash in my mind & plan of my upcoming builds, waiting for Kinetics new F-16 1:48 kit that should come in October (?).
Also, slightly intrigued by a Harrier in 1:48.. Either the F-16 or Harrier will therefore be my next build :hmm:

- Kari
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Tamiya F-4B Phantom II 1/48
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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by tempestjohnny »

This is a great thread. I've been trying very hard over the last year to build some of my older stash. Its not stopping me from buying new. I've built 10 this year and everything has been In the stash at least 6-7 years.

Like you Stuart I look at some of my older stuff and ask if I'm ever going to build. And always say yes.

Right now I'm financially able to buy kits. When I retire I may not have as much disposable money so that's a big reason why.
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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by Stuart »

KSaarni wrote: But I have a virtual stash in my mind & plan of my upcoming builds...
That's not a bad idea Kari - I generally keep a list of stuff I'd like to get at some-point too.
tempestjohnny wrote:Right now I'm financially able to buy kits. When I retire I may not have as much disposable money so that's a big reason why.
That's a very good point actually - buy why you can for when you can't.
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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by BlackSheep214 »

My wife likes to say "Stop buying models! You have 50 models downstairs you haven't built." :bored:
50 is an exaggeration IMO.... :giggles:

Anyhow back on track. I have a stash because you never know when they're going to discontinue them. I'm always on the lookout for auto kits and others from my youth & teen years I'd love to have another go at it.

Amongst my stash, I have AM decals to go with the kit. Some are the opposite way around - AM decals I need to buy a kit for. A vicious cycle, I tell ya! :giggles:
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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by Medicman71 »

John and Blacksheep made some good points. I buy kits because I can afford them and I want to get the one that I've always wanted before they go away for good.

At the same time, I never pay full price for kits. I get them either on sale or at a model shows where they're usually dirt cheap.

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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by keavdog »

My stash is a source of joy. I love going out and browsing through my kits - I consider it part of the hobby. I don't consciously build stash or new so I guess I do both. As for buying kits, I've restricted myself to stuff I really, really want and add some of the passing interests to the wish list. Scalemates says I have 138 kits in my stash :shocked:
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Re: What's your Stash actually for..?

Post by Stikpusher »

My stash started very small for nearly a decade, as it was mostly buy and build, but life got busier and busier and the stash slowly grew, but not that much. Then came eBay and my wife getting into a very well paying job, and a promotion for me at work. Back then eBay was full of bargain priced kits, and since we were both making great money, I had no worries about income and my stash exploded from maybe a couple of dozen kits to scores and scores, then a few hundred. Not to mention that my build style changed from straight OOB to conversions, detailing modifications, etc., my completion rate slowed down and life got busier as well. Sometimes it was buy and build, sometimes it was pull that kit from the stash that I’d been eyeballing. Then came hard times, and I really couldn’t afford to buy new kits, especially expensive new tool/new releases aside from an occasional Revellogram. Aside from supplies purchased at one of my local shops, I was strictly building from my stash and not buying new kits aside from old stuff off eBay, and those were few. A few years later I joined the local IPMS and AMPS chapters and those became my main source of new kits for the stash. Guys who bought the latest and greatest new tool kit of a subject would sell off older kits in their stash to make room and finance their latest score…. and then there were the club fundraising auctions of donated kits as well as raffles. In either case, I could get something that I wanted for a fraction of the price in a shop or online. The stash kept on growing… Things got better financially, but that meant lots of overtime at work, so less bench time. Projects got more involved as I tried to keep up with the guys in IPMS & AMPS, and consequently completions became even fewer. Projects were chosen for club meeting contest themes, as well as club & online Group Builds. I usually had something in the stash to cover those, but occasionally it was a buy and start building asap project.
Nowadays it’s almost always a buy and into the stash now, then build from the stash later builds, with an occasional buy now and build it really soon project. That’s what my stash is for…
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